To foster, promote and strengthen fraternity among the Central Marketing Organization’s Executives of the Company.
To build up a strong and cohesive team spirit among its Members, in order to promote, preserve and strengthen the status and dignity of the Company so as to inculcate a feeling of pride and dignity among its Members of being Executive of such a well-reputed Company.
To strive and promote greater ‘autonomy’ of the Company in order that the Company may achieve it objectives and be a well-reputed Commercial Organization in the interest of the country in general and its Members in particular.
To suggest, assist and advise the Company in matters on, amongst others, its Personnel Policy affecting the interests of its Members.
To espouse and promote the interests of its Members vis-a-vis their employment in the Company.
To establish clubs, libraries, reading rooms, Cooperative Credit Societies and Housing Cooperative Societies and render such other beneficent services to the Members as are calculated to promote the social and material well-being of the Members and generally are conducive to attainment of the aforesaid objectives.
To deal with such matter or matters as are calculated to affect the interest of the Members jointly or collectively.
To publish and/or edit books , magazines and periodicals and maintain social media accounts like website , YouTube channel , Facebook account, Whatsapp Group, Twitter account etc for information circulation and communication among its Members.
To acquire, purchase, hire. sell and lease whole or part of any building for the furtherance of the objectives of the Association .
To Raise and acquire money including by means of subscription. Donations, levies or loans from/to Members or other persons as may be necessary as determined by the Council, for the furtherance of objectives of the Association.
To invest the money of the association not immediately required in such investments as may be considered fit by the Council, time to time.
To promote the Association and Company by establishing rewards, awards and other suitable modes as may be considered fit by the Council .
To endeavour to render legal assistance to the Members in respect of matters arising out of or incidental to their employment.
To cooperate with and secure cooperation from Associations having similar objectives in steel industry.